"i's had sum ed-ju-ma-cayt-shun..."

I graduated from The University of Oklahoma in 1994 with a B.A. in French, and minors in English Literature and Psychology.

That was not a banner year for jobs or the economy, so what was there for a newly-minted graduate with a language degree to do?  Keep in mind that Sallie Mae, the federal student loan agency, was breathing down my neck; she wanted her student loan money, and NOW--so...I decided to "be all that i could be".

While an active-duty  participant in Uncle Sam's "Finishing School of Refinement and Social Graces", I attended  The Defense Language Institute (Monterey, CA), the Primary Leadership Development Course (Fort Campbell, KY), and I completed Department of Defense French Language Coursework (Fort Meade, MD).

As I said on the front page, I am attending the University of the District of Columbia and the University of Baltimore simultaneously, and am pursuing masters degrees at both schools.
(Pray for me, please)