Journaling is a wonderful way to express one's innermost feelings without unwanted criticism . Journaling can improve one's writing skills. Journaling can be private or journaling can be shared. There is a multitude of reasons for one to journal. It is an exceptional way to develop ideas for course papers. Journals have been the resource for many a memoire or biography.
Most English professors will suggest or require students to keep a journal. The suggested or required journal is a wonderful way for any family members or friends who want to understand what you are experiencing in your academic endeavors to share your experience with you. Share your journal with them or just leave it where they can read it.
Do not think or feel that you have no ideas or thoughts to put into a journal. Start with the activities of the day. Express how the activities impacted your life. Compile a dream list, things to do before reaching a certain age, list your short term and long term goals including specifics such as dates, times, and locations. As you are introduced to new literary concepts, novels and essays, put those in your journal. Writing about the literary concepts will give you a better understanding of them. When you read your journal in the future, you will be able to measure the progress made in your spelling, writing skills, and reading comprehension.
Please don't ever condition yourself to say you haven't the time to write in your journal. When one first starts with a journal, writing for ten minutes by the clock seems like an eternity. Once you develop the habit the time goes by so fast and you are left with thoughts to post. The next step is to increase the time. If it is convenient for you, do your journaling at the end of the day when it is peaceful.
Enjoy journaling. Who knows? You could be the next published author as a result of what you have written in your journal. If that is not your goal, then perhaps journaling will make you a better student.