Answers (irregular verbs)
The next day she went
to her friend’s and told
her about her distress.
(to go)
(to tell)
it, and said
to Mme. Loisel:—
(to say)
“Choose, my dear.”
She saw
at first bracelets, then a necklace of pearls, then a Venetian cross of
gold set with
(to see)
precious stones of an admirable workmanship. She tried on the ornaments
before the glass,
hesitated, and could not decide to take them off and to give them up. She
on asking:—
(to keep)
“You haven’t anything else?”
“Yes, yes. Look. I do not know what will happen to please you.”
All at once she discovered, in a box of black satin, a superb necklace of diamonds, and her
heart began
to beat with boundless desire. Her hands trembled in taking it up. She
fastened it
(to begin)
round her throat, on her high dress, and remained in ecstasy before herself.
The passage is from Maupassant's The Necklace and was found @