Reading Writing Relationship
Research continues to find correlation between
reading and writing. According to the Wisconsin State Reading Association "Reading and Writing are parallel
processes. Both are purposeful, are dependent on
background knowledge and experiences, and are focused on the
construction of meaning". By reading everyday, one
will naturally discover connections between reading and
writing. How does reading help writing? By understanding
and interpreting some reading material, one can make an
evaluation in writing. There are three stages of
correlation between reading and writing, according to Daniel Kies, Department of English, College of Du Page.
First stage is reading for content; this will help write an
abstract. Second stage is reading for interpretation; this
will help write an analysis. Third stage is reading to
evaluate; this will help write an argument or critique.
Kies writes that the simplest way to relate reading to writing is
by making a summary of what has been read. By understanding
some reading material that is reflected in a summary, one can
make a response in writing. The summary can be developed
into writing analysis and argument. In this case, the
connection between reading and writing is clear; they are
supportive of each other; writing is only made possible by
critically reading what is written.
Written by Maria Andi, October, 2001.