There are many ways to make a web site. These workshops will introduce you to a very simple method, using Netscape Composer. As you have already done, the first step is to open Netscape Communicator.
Netscape Communicator allows you to compose as well as browse. To compose, you must first click on "File" at the top of the page, and then select "New." Then select "Blank Page." (NOTE: To keep this screen on the page as you work, click the split screen in the top right corner and move the windows so that both appear on the screen at the same time by clicking into the blue bar above. Most people find it convenient to position the two screens so that one is above the other.)
The blank page is a simple blank page. Type your name. Try out all the buttons at the top of the screen. Open the box that says "Normal" and see what other choices are there. Click another choice to see how it changes the size of what you are typing. Open the box that says "Variable Width" and do the same. Notice too that you can change the size of the font, the color, make it bold, italics, or underline.
Exercise 1.
Try to produce the following:
1. This is typed in italics.
2. This is a different color font.
3. This is bell MT in green.
4. This is underlined and in size 18.
5. this is just to give you a really hard time !!!
To save your work, go to "File" and "Save as" and then give the file a name (Exercise1) and save on Drive A in the folder labelled "Exercises."
By the way, did you figure out the quick way to reproduce all five sentences above? (Answer below.)
You have just created an HTML file. To preview it, click the Preview button. To return to the edit mode, click on "File" and then "Edit Page."
Explore the other buttons. Note the fast way to start a new document, open a file, and save (the buttons with the icons). Note also "Copy" and "Paste." The quick way to reproduce the above exercise is to simply copy and paste it into your document! this is just to give you a really hard time !!!
To place a horizontal line, a nice way to separate sections of your page, click on "H.Line" and see what happens.
Exercise 2.
Reproduce, (without copying and pasting!) the
following table. Fill in the names of the participants of this workshop:
1 | 5 | 9 |
2 | 6 | 10 |
3 | 7 | 11 |
4 | 8 | 12 |
By clicking into "Edit" and "Format" you may also perform some of these functions.
These are some of the basic tools of creating a web page. As you see, so far it is no different than creating a word document.
Start a personal web page for yourself that will ultimately appear on our site. Feel free to be creative with the fonts and colors. To change the background color, click into Format and then go down to Page Colors and Properties. You may customize the colors of your page as you choose.(You can change your page at a later time.) Save it on this disk in the folder labelled "Web Pages" as a file labelled with your initials followed by "pp" (for "Personal Page"). When naming files, do not leave spaces and use only numbers and letters.