At this point, we will begin to work on pages for the UDC
Reading/Writing Connection. By mutual agreement, we will each
select topics that will form the heart of the web site. Let's
all agree that the pages we develop will conform to the following standards:
Relevant: The activities and links will all be relevant to reading, writing, grammar, and particularly to the selected topic, relating reading and writing and keeping in mind the theme of connections.(In other words, we will try to get rich from the Internet, pardon the pun and acronym. :)Informative: The page will contain interesting information that will be new to the reader.
Clear: The instructions and exercises will be written in clear, concise, grammatical sentences.
Helpful: The page will ultimately help students to become better and more appreciative readers and writers.
How will we do this? First, open up your file from Workshop II where you created a list of your favorite sites. Browse through your sites and try to analyze what you find appealing about them.
Project for the afternoon:
Create a web page for your assigned topic. Remember the theme of reading/writing connections. Keep it relatively uncomplicated, yet challenging. When you create an exercise, try it yourself. Then give it to another person in the workshop to try. Give your web page the features that you wrote for Exercises 1 and 2. If you are creating an exercise, make an answer key as well that links to the page.
Be sure to save your page with a file name that clearly identifies the topic, e.g. svagreement.