
Taken from  New Concise Handbook: Second Edition by Hans P. Guth

       Type these sentences and use the computer's Spellcheck to verify the spelling of the italicized words.  The correct answers and explanations will be displayed when you click on the word "key".

(This is a modification of Hans P. Guth's Spelling Practice 2 from New Concise Handbook: Second Edition, p.339).

1.        The governor excepted the resignation of two top aides.

2.        The decision effected thousands of commuters.

3.        Macbeth was tormented by a guilty conscious.

4.        Marcel was to tall to play Napoleon.

5.        Brokers know dozens of ways to loose money.

6.        Basques invoked the principal of self-determination.

7.        Several people had parked there motorcycles in the driveway.

8.        No one knew weather we could meet the deadline.

9.        Anything was better then going back down the mountain.

10.      Most  farms were than family-owned.

11.      He always lectured us about sound business principals.

12.      She cherished the quite moments between visits.

