Spelling With the Aid of Spell Check

    What one fails to realize is that discrepancies can still occur when using the computer's Spellcheck.  So, it is relevant to the content of a paper that it is proofread for word choice. The discrepancies are not spelling mistakes.  Likewise, they are not computer mistakes.  What we have is a difference of opinion between the writer's idea and the chosen word.  For example, the student's sentence reads,"There father is my uncle." The point of the sentence is to show a relationship between the writer and the father.  However, the word chosen tells the reader "where" instead of "whose". Therefore, Spellcheck will indicate everything is okay, since the word is spelled correctly.  What the writer needed to use in order to show the relationship is the word "Their".

    The author, Hans P. Guth, in his text New Concise Handbook:Second Edition, gives excellent aids to improve spelling.  For example, he offers the following:

These "alerts" are valuable when using the computer's Spellcheck.  To avoid any confusion always consult a dictionary for the spelling and correct usage of the word in question, especially if the word is a homonym (two or more words that sound alike, but have different meanings).  Usually, in verbal communication the homonym is not a concern.  However, when writing one must be very careful to choose the correct spelling of the words used to convey a message.

    If you would like to have some fun with some "confusing pairs", click on Homonyms.