Top Sixty
Taken from New Concise Handbook: Second Edition by Hans P. Guth
Have someone dictate the following sentences to you, and make a list
of all the words you misspell.
Work on them until they no longer give you trouble.
The independent candidate cared for the environment.
Huge debts were owed by foreign governments.
They preferred studying in the library.
She will probably need the same quantity in February.
I doubted that she considered criticism indispensable.
Amateurs benefited more than other athletes.
The committee heard every conceivable opinion.
Manufacturers developed a new device.
We kept all business decisions confidential.
Her appearance was definitely a surprise.
She accused her opponent of hypocrisy.
The absence of controls proved disastrous.
We met a prominent professor of psychology.
Their marriage succeeded exceptionally well.
These privileges are undoubtedly unnecessary.
The sponsor was dissatisfied with the performance.
Their approach was strictly practical.
Companies can seldom just eliminate the competition.
A repetition of the tragedy is inevitable.
This subtle difference is irrelevant.